
2015年《VOGUE》杂志记者来到霉霉Taylor Swift位于LA Beverly Hills的豪宅,共提到73个小问题让霉霉回答。从“你学会弹的第一首歌是什么?”这类有关音乐的问题,到“你最近烘焙了什么?”等生活细节,再或者“未来十年你不会做的事情是什么?
tags: 泰勒 Taylor 霉霉 音乐 采访
  • Taylor Swift

  • Joe Sabia

  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
  • 1

    What's the most difficult song to perform on stage and why?

  • 2

    There's a song I wrote called "The Best Day" that is about my mom, and It's just hard to sing because it makes me really emotional.

  • 3

    So this is a really great room you have. - Thank you. - And there are a lot of cats. - Yeah! - How many cats are in this room?

  • 4

    Probably more than 10, and I don't know if you're counting the one that's alive down there. - What? There's a cat there!

  • 5

    All right, here's one for you. If you were a cat, would you get along with your cats?

  • 6

    Probably not, they would probably not think that I'm cool.

  • 7

    How many cat breeds can you name in 10 seconds? - when do we start? - Go!

  • 8

    British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, Himalayan, Exotic Shorthair, Exotic Longhair, Sphinx cat, Munchkin, Siamese, uh, uh, the... the... - Time's up! - Dah. - Amazing.

  • 9

    What's the coolest thing is this room? - I can do so much better than that.

  • 10

    The coolest thing in this room I think is the fireplace. - nice.

  • 11

    If you could raid one woman's closet, who would it be? - Blake Lively⁽¹⁾

  • 12

    What's your favorite fashion trend of all time? - High-waisted stuff.

  • 13

    Besides your phone or wallet, what's a couple of must-have purse items?

  • 14

    I have this lavender anti-bacterial hand spray that I have, and whenever me and my friends are in a public bathroom,

  • 15

    and we have to wait in line to wash our hands at the sink, I'm like,"No, check it out." Everyone's like,"Thanks, girl!"

  • 16

    Can you tell me what you'll be wearing to this year's Met Gala⁽²⁾?

  • 17

    I'm going to be dressed as a robot and I'm going to carry a sword.

  • 1


  • 2

    有一首歌叫《The Best Day》是写给我妈妈的,它着实难唱因为它使我情绪激动。

  • 3

    你的这个房间真棒 - 谢谢 - 这里好多猫咪摆件 - 是的 - 你这房里有多少猫?

  • 4

    大概十多只吧,并且我不知道你该不该把那边那只活的也算在内,- 什么?那里还真有只活的猫!

  • 5


  • 6


  • 7

    10秒钟内你能说出多少猫的品种? - 我们什么时候开始? - 现在就开始!

  • 8

    英国短毛猫,苏格兰折耳猫,喜马拉雅猫,异国短毛猫,异国长毛猫,斯芬克斯猫,短脚猫,暹罗猫,还有...还有... - 时间到了!太棒了!

  • 9

    这个房间最酷的是什么? - 刚才我明明可以回答得更好。

  • 10

    这个房间最酷的东西我想是这个壁炉 - 很好。

  • 11

    如果你能打劫一个女人的衣橱,谁会遭殃?- 布莱克·莱弗利

  • 12

    你最喜欢的时尚潮流趋势是什么? - 高腰款式

  • 13


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  • 16


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