
2015年《VOGUE》杂志记者来到霉霉Taylor Swift位于LA Beverly Hills的豪宅,共提到73个小问题让霉霉回答。从“你学会弹的第一首歌是什么?”这类有关音乐的问题,到“你最近烘焙了什么?”等生活细节,再或者“未来十年你不会做的事情是什么?
tags: 泰勒 Taylor 霉霉 音乐 采访
  • Taylor Swift

  • Joe Sabia

  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
  • 1

    What's your favorite cocktail? - Vodka Diet Coke⁽¹⁾ .

  • 2

    What's your favorite food? - I mean, if we're just saying like what I wish I could eat every day if calories didn't count is like chicken tenders⁽²⁾.

  • 3

    What would you order at a drive-through⁽³⁾? - Cheeseburger, fries, chocolate shake.

  • 4

    What was the best birthday cake you've ever had?

  • 5

    It was from Milk Bar⁽⁴⁾, it was for my 25th birthday and it was so good that even JAY-Z raved about it.

  • 6

    What's the last thing you baked? - A gluten-free, dairy-free⁽⁵⁾ chocolate cake.

  • 7

    What's one thing you need to have in your fridge at any given time? - Hummus ⁽⁶⁾, weirdly.

  • 8

    What's one thing you still have from your childhood? - My insecurities.

  • 9

    Do you wanna go outside and check out the other situation? - Let's check out the situation.

  • 10

    What's your favorite TV show of all time? - Friends.

  • 11

    Favorite TV show that's currently on the air? - Dateline ⁽⁷⁾.

  • 12

    What is your favorite movie? - "Love Actually ⁽⁸⁾".

  • 13

    What was a movie that made you cry your eyes out? - Oh my god, The Martian ⁽⁹⁾.

  • 14

    Why do you think you're the most followed person on Instagram⁽¹⁰⁾? - Because my cats are adorable.

  • 15

    So.. have you ever Googled yourself? - Yeah!

  • 16

    Taylor, what do you think when you Googled yourself? - I think, You should never Google yourself again.

  • 17

    If you had a superpower, what would it be? - Healing people.

  • 18

    If you're not a singer, what would you be doing? - Might be in advertising, maybe like coming up with slogans and concepts. It's the same as hooks and songs.

  • 19

    Well, this is very lovely out here. - Thank you.

  • 20

    Can you show me a really cool or bizarre talent?

  • 21

    Okay, I'm well aware that this is not a talent but this is, like, the only thing I can do.

  • 22

    I have double-jointed elbows so... - Oh man. - Yeah, they're weird.

  • 23

    They are a little weird. What's something you can't do? - I can't do a cartwheel or a handstand.

  • 1

    你最喜欢什么鸡尾酒?- 伏特加+健怡可乐

  • 2

    你最喜欢什么食物?- 在我看来,如果只是说我希望能每天都吃的,不考虑卡路里的,大概是炸鸡柳吧。

  • 3

    在免下车餐厅你会买什么?- 芝士汉堡,薯条,巧克力奶昔。

  • 4


  • 5

    它来自Milk Bar,是我25岁生日时候,它太棒了甚至JAY-Z都赞不绝口!

  • 6

    你最近一次烘焙做的是啥?- 一款不含麸质,不含乳制品的巧克力蛋糕。

  • 7

    你的冰箱里必备的是什么东西? - 鹰嘴豆泥,有点怪吧?

  • 8

    你从小到现在一直保留的东西是什么? - 我的不安全感。

  • 9

    你想出来参观一下外面的环境吗? - 让我们看看外面吧。

  • 10

    长久以来你最喜欢的电视剧是什么? - 老友记.

  • 11


  • 12

    你最喜欢的电影是什么?- 真爱至上。

  • 13

    有什么电影能令你大哭?- 噢,天呢,《火星救援》

  • 14


  • 15


  • 16

    泰勒,你搜索自己的时候有什么想法?- 我想,永远不要再搜自己了。

  • 17

    如果你有超能力,你会用来做什么?- 给人治病。

  • 18

    如果你不是歌手,那你会做什么? - 我可能会从事广告业,可能会创作一些标语和概念,类似于创作旋律和写歌词。

  • 19

    好,这外面(taylor家的院子)很不错哦 - 谢谢。

  • 20


  • 21


  • 22

    我的胳膊肘有双向关节(肘关节能前后弯曲)- 噢,- 是吧,有点怪。

  • 23

    是有点怪,你有什么做不到的事吗?- 我不会翻跟头和倒立。
