
2015年《VOGUE》杂志记者来到霉霉Taylor Swift位于LA Beverly Hills的豪宅,共提到73个小问题让霉霉回答。从“你学会弹的第一首歌是什么?”这类有关音乐的问题,到“你最近烘焙了什么?”等生活细节,再或者“未来十年你不会做的事情是什么?
tags: 泰勒 Taylor 霉霉 音乐 采访
  • Taylor Swift

  • Joe Sabia

  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
  • 1

    Taylor - Hey!- Hi - Come in - Thank you so much for fitting a 73 questions interview into your busy schedule.

  • 2

    So what's keeping you busy these days?- I'm just working out and getting ready for Grammys⁽¹⁾.

  • 3

    What's the most exciting thing in life right now? - Grammys.

  • 4

    What are you completely bored of in life right now? - Click bait.

  • 5

    What's something that recently moved you? - The movie The Martian.

  • 6

    Okay, what do you have going on over here? - This is the room where I write a lot of songs.

  • 7

    Nice piano. How many guitars do you own? - I lost track of that in probably 2007.

  • 8

    What's the first song you learned to play on the guitar? - "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer⁽²⁾.

  • 9

    What's the first thing you do when you get an idea for a song? - I record a voice memo of myself singing it, or I write it down in my notes.

  • 10

    What's your songwriting process?

  • 11

    Lots of preparation, I write a lot of my ideas down before I get into the actual session.

  • 12

    What song took you the least amount of time to write?

  • 13

    "Blank Space", because I'd written a lot of the lines down already in the year preceding the session.

  • 14

    Which one took you the longest?

  • 15

    "All Too Well", because i .. It's a really emotional song, I kept putting it down for months on end.

  • 16

    So is this the room where you keep all the awards?

  • 17

    No, they're kind of everywhere,you gonna see the rest of house? - Yes. - Amazing! - All right, Let's do it.

  • 18

    Who is your favorite teacher?

  • 19

    My guitar player Paul Sidoti teaches me a lot on the road about piano and guitar.

  • 20

    If you could teach one subject in school what would it be? - English

  • 21

    OK, I see you're a Scrabble⁽³⁾ player. - Yeah, that's a word you might know. Check it out.

  • 22

    Yep. Something told who has planned?

  • 23

    No, that was spontaneous. I'm a very spontaneous person.

  • 24

    What's your favorite beverage? - Coffee, would you like some? - Let's see what you've got.

  • 25

    I have espresso, I have regular coffee, I have different flavors...

  • 26

    I have a VMA⁽⁴⁾ here. You can't really take that, I don't think but... - You definitely can't drink it. - No, you can stir whit it, though.

  • 27

    Actually I'll have a water. - OK - Thank you very much.

  • 1

    泰勒!- 请进 - 非常感谢你百忙之中安排了这次73个问题的访谈!

  • 2

    那你最近忙了些什么?- 我一直在锻炼并且为格莱美做准备

  • 3

    现在生活中最激动人心的事情是什么?- 格莱美

  • 4


  • 5

    最近有什么事打动了你? - 电影《火星救援》。

  • 6

    好,你一般在(指向)那个房间做什么?- 这是我创作出很多歌的房间。

  • 7

    好漂亮的钢琴。你有多少把吉他?- 我大约从2007年开始就没再数过

  • 8

    你学会用吉他弹的第一首歌是什么?- 琅当六便士的《Kiss Me》

  • 9

    当你有写歌灵感的时候你首先要做什么?- 我会先自己唱一遍录下来,或者记到我的小本本上。

  • 10


  • 11


  • 12


  • 13

    《Blank Space》,因为在这之前的一年里我已经写了很多行歌词了。

  • 14


  • 15

    《All Too Well》,因为这是一首富有情感的歌,我连续好几个月才搞定。

  • 16


  • 17

    也不是,它们(奖杯)到处都有,你想看看其他地方的吗?- 嗯 - 太棒了 - 好的,我们去吧。

  • 18


  • 19


  • 20

    如果你能在学校教一门课,你会教哪门?- 英语

  • 21

    好,我看你也玩拼字游戏啊,- 是的,现在这里有个词你应该认识,看看吧。

  • 22


  • 23


  • 24

    你最喜欢什么饮料?- 咖啡,你想来点吗? - 让我们看看你有什么(咖啡)?

  • 25


  • 26

    (咖啡机旁)还有座VMA奖杯,不过我想这个你没法喝,- 你也不会喝的 - 不,你能用它(奖杯的零部件)当搅拌棒

  • 27

    其实我来杯白水就好 - 好的 - 非常感谢
