
By Nikki Delventhal 2021.9.1
tags: 旅行 冰岛
  • 尼基·德温沙尔 Nikki Delventhal

  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
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    And today we're taking you along for episode 2 of the epic road trip around Iceland's ring road, let's recap the last few episodes.

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    We dropped off our Prius home at my family's, and Camper booked himself a staycation to be spoiled at grandma and grandpa's while I went to work in Europe for three weeks.

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    I completed my first tour island hopping in Greece, then picked up my second group in Iceland, immediately we hit some of the bucket list locations.

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    Soaking in the famous Blue Lagoon, venturing the Golden Circle, trying new foods, and hunting for waterfalls, it was absolutely amazing.

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    Next up on our road trip, black sand beach. - "This is so cool." - Here we visited the unusual vertical columns, these columns are formed from lava as it cools flowing downwards.

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    Then we marveled at the landscapes, covered in mystical fog, and the puffin colonies along the cliffs, don't let one bite you.

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    Before heading to Vik, where we would have fun around town, hit the local swimming pool, and just enjoy our time, this is also where I broke my pescetarianism⁽¹⁾.

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    "This is a very important moment in my life, where I break my vegetarianism for a burger."

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    As I mentioned in the last episode, in the summer Iceland's sun is only down for three hours, essentially meaning it's almost always daylight, so we're just going to skip on through sleeping and on to our endless days of adventure.

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    Next up we took the fairy headed to Vestmannaeyjar⁽²⁾, famous for the most recent volcano eruption, till this year's, stay tuned for that.

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    Once we arrived I led the students straight to hike the crater of Eldfell. - "leading the hike, my specialty, what was that, Lily?" - "Nikki! The boss!"

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    It was a super windy day. - "It's like drool coming out of my mouth." - So windy you could play catch with yourself, making it a challenge. - "We made it to the top, how we feeling?" - "All right!"

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    We enjoyed the views and soaked it in as long as we could, until the fog and rain started to roll in, we quickly headed back down the mountain, we stopped at a local bakery, and chatted with the locals before heading back on the scenic ferry ride.

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    And then back to Vik, where we would experience a lava show to learn all about, you guessed it volcanoes and lava.

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    The next day was a day for the books⁽³⁾. - "It's a windy day but we're ready why?" - "We're taking ginger shots in Vik Iceland." - "Cheers!"

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    Then started our day at this magical canyon, best known as the location of Justin Bieber's video⁽⁴⁾ I'll show you, the teens loved that.

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    Did you know it's the law in Iceland to stay on the paths? by stepping on any greenery would equal to a hefty fine, in efforts to preserve the nature.

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    接下来是我们的公路之旅,黑沙滩。-“这太酷了。”- 我们在这儿参观了不同寻常的垂直柱状节理,这些柱状节理是由向下冷却的熔岩形成的。

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    那天风很大。-“就像口水从我嘴里流出来一样。”- 风大到你可以和自己玩接球,这是一种挑战。-“我们登顶了,感觉如何?”-“感觉还好!”

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    你知道冰岛的法律规定要走现成的小道吗? 为了保护自然,踩到任何绿色植物都会被处以巨额罚款。
