
tags: 妮可 Nicole 采访
  • Nicole Kidman

  • Joe Sabia

  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
  • 1

    Hey! - Nicole! - G'day, mate⁽¹⁾! Welcome to Australia. - G'day, mate!

  • 2

    Welcome to me. I came halfway around the world to ask you 73 questions in a very short amount of time. - I know, thank you so much! Let's get going! - All right.

  • 3

    What's the coolest thing about Sydney Australia? - Ah, The people.

  • 4

    What's your favorite place to hang out⁽²⁾ in Sydney Australia? - Uh, The beach, come on in, Oh! wipe your feet. - All right, cool!

  • 5

    Gee⁽³⁾, you're excited to be here. - I totally am.

  • 6

    What's the best travel advice for anyone visiting Sydney Australia? - Bring your sunscreen and your joie de vivre⁽⁴⁾

  • 7

    What's the best thing about Nashville⁽⁵⁾? - The community spirit, so, the people.

  • 8

    Can you say the most American thing in an American accent? - Oh, uh, hey y'all⁽⁶⁾, Is that american? - That was good! - That's my southern accent。

  • 9

    I don't know you play pool. - Uh yeah, my nickname is pool shark⁽⁷⁾.

  • 10

    Are you claiming that you're a pro? - well, come on, I'm a pool shark. - Obviously.

  • 11

    What is one talent you wish you had? - To sing opera exquisitely.

  • 12

    What's your favorite band of all time? - Well it's a tie⁽⁸⁾, AC/DC and INXS⁽⁹⁾.

  • 13

    What do you really think about country music? - I love it, truly.

  • 14

    Were you a fan of keith's⁽¹⁰⁾ before you met? - Uh well, I didn't know him so I couldn't really be a fan but um now I'm his biggest fan.

  • 15

    Can you do an impression of someone? - Sure, I tawt I taw a puddy tat⁽¹¹⁾. That's Tweety Bird⁽¹²⁾. - I recognized it.

  • 16

    Can you do another impression of someone else? - That's Little Quacker⁽¹³⁾. - Obviously it was.

  • 17

    Can you please take this postcard, - yes - and write down a secret to someone special? - huh!

  • 18

    What's one thing you still have from your childhood? - My curiosity.

  • 19

    Who's your favorite Sesame Street⁽¹⁴⁾ character? - Snuffleupagus⁽¹⁵⁾.

  • 1

    嗨! - 妮可! - 伙计你好啊!欢迎来到澳洲。- 你也好!

  • 2

    欢迎来到我的世界,我跑了半个地球用非常短的时间来问你73个问题。 - 我知道,非常感谢你,让我们开始吧! - 好的。

  • 3

    好的,澳洲悉尼啥最棒? - 噢,民众!

  • 4

    澳洲悉尼你最喜欢去闲逛的地方在哪?- 哦,海滩,请进屋吧,注意擦擦你的脚。- 好的,真酷!

  • 5

    天那,你来到感觉好兴奋。 - 是的我很兴奋。

  • 6

    你对来澳洲悉尼的游客最好的建议是啥? - 带好你的防晒霜和你对生活的热情。

  • 7

    纳什维尔什么最棒呢? - 社区精神,说来,还是民众。

  • 8

    你能用美国口音说出最美式的事物吗? - 哦,想一下,大家好呀?这样是不是很美式? - 是的很好 - 这是我们南方口音。

  • 9

    (看到屋内台球桌)我不知道你也打台球 - 我有个绰号桌球达人。

  • 10

    你意思说你是高手了? - 是的,拜托!我是高手(你还怀疑吗)- 很厉害我信!

  • 11

    你想拥有怎样的天赋?- 完美的表演歌剧。

  • 12

    你一直以来最喜欢的乐队是哪个?- 这对我是一种束缚,AC/DC乐队和INXS乐队

  • 13

    你对乡村音乐的发自内心的看法是? - 我爱它,真的爱。

  • 14

    你遇到凯斯之前是他的粉丝吗? - 哦,我以前不认识他所以不算是粉丝,但是现在我是他头号粉丝。

  • 15

    你能做个对某人的模仿吗?- 当然,“我想我看到了那只傻猫!”这是崔弟 - 我听出来了。

  • 16

    你能再做个其他人的模仿吗?- 这是小鸭子。- 很明显是的。

  • 17

    你能拿着这张明信片,- 好的 - 然后给某个特别的人写下一个秘密吗?- 好!

  • 18

    你从童年保留至今的一个东西是什么?- 我的好奇心。

  • 19

    谁是你在《芝麻街》中最喜欢的角色?- 史纳菲。
