
Golden State Warriors vs Boston Celtics - Full Game 6 Highlights | June 16, 2022 | 2022 NBA Finals
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    Garden, let's go to PA(Public address) announcer Eddie Palladino. - Fans direct your attention to center court for the presentation of the Larry O'brien Trophy and the 2022 Bill Russell NBA finals most valuable player award, please welcome ABC's Lisa Salters.

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    Thank you, here to present the Larry O'brien Trophy to the golden state warriors, to team owners Joe Lacob and Peter Guber, and head coach Steve Kerr, is NBA deputy commissioner Mark Tatum.

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    Thank you so much, Lisa, what a phenomenal series and a great way to cap off the 75th NBA anniversary season. To the fans of Boston, the bay area and fans around the world, thank you all for being a part of it.

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    Congratulations to the Boston Celtics, the eastern conference champions on a terrific season. And now the Golden State Warriors, 6 NBA finals in eight years, 4 NBA championships a remarkable run, by any measure that only a handful of teams in the history of NBA have accomplished.

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    To Joe Lacob, to Peter Guber, to coach Kerr, to Bob Myers, to all you great players, the coaches and the entire Golden State Warriors organization, congratulations! you are the 2022 NBA champions.

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    Joe, when you purchased a team back in 2010, you said you wanted to to reach the level of success of the Lakers and the Celtics, what is it? what does it mean to you to be handed that trophy again?

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    I mean it means the world I just want to give all the credit to these players and these coaches, this is probably the most meaningful one because we came back, last two years were very difficult and what they've had to go through the injuries, fantastic and I love everyone for what they've done.

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    Peter, let me ask you as you watch this team throughout the season, what to you made it so special? - Makes it especially never give up, never give in⁽¹⁾, go all the way on the parquet floor⁽²⁾, two Boston guys win it at the garden. - Congratulations to you!

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    Coach Kerr, four championships Steve in the last 8 seasons with the same core guys, what does that say about this group?

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    Well no 1 it says that the guy who put together this group did an amazing job, and I like Bob Myers to be recognized, he never gets enough credit, Bob, come on up, he's the guy who put the team together.

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    Bob, it's not easy, it's not easy to repeat success, to keep everyone happy, to keep the gang together, just how have you been able to do that with this team?

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    Well you know you didn't ask this but I want to thank all our wives and kids, it is not easy supporting us all year long, but it's the players, it's steve, it's the players, it's Joe for supporting us, I'm thankful Lisa to just have been with these three guys. Basically my whole career, so it's a it's a blessing every day.

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    (波士顿凯尔特人主场)花园球馆方,让我们连线公共广播员埃迪·帕拉迪诺。 - 球迷们请将目光集中到中央球场,观看拉里·奥布莱恩(总冠军)奖杯和2022年比尔·拉塞尔NBA总决赛最有价值球员奖的颁发,请欢迎ABC新闻频道的丽莎·索尔特斯。

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    彼得,我来问你,你整个赛季都在看这支球队,是什么让你觉得这支球队如此特别? - 尤其是永不放弃永不屈服,在拼花地板上一路走下去,两个波士顿籍的人在波士顿花园球馆赢了。 - 祝贺你!

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