
Assaults Caught On Camera Fuel Bail Reform Debate 
In New York and other cities across the U.S., shocking videos of violent crimes and random attacks are raising questions over the issue of bail reform. NBC News'Steven Romo reports on how critics are claiming that criminals are being set free only to break the law again.
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    Tonight terrifying sucker punch attacks⁽¹⁾ putting a spotlight on crime in New York and in cities across the country.

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    "What would make someone want to do that?" - "I mean it's just very disgusting and just disappointing to see that happening all over a city."

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    This assault from over the weekend in a Brooklyn shopping center. - That guy was caught unaware, he didn't know that was coming, and I've seen people done that over and over, time and again, and it's unconscionable what they're doing.

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    The victim is expected to recover as the search continues for the attacker, it's eerily similar to another sucker punch attack, just days earlier outside a bronx restaurant, prosecutors now accusing Bui Van Phu of randomly attacking Jesus Cortez.

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    Outside that restaurant on August 12, surveillance video released by the NYPD shows Cortes being struck in the head, in an attack he did not appear to see coming.

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    He was in perfect condition, he was about to come home, Phu was arrested and originally charged with attempted murder for that punch.

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    But charges were lowered to assault and harassment, allowing food to be released on bail, the district attorney telling NBC New York the charges were downgraded, because the office quote pursued charges based on the investigation.

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    This set off a firestorm on the issue of bail reform. - Do you have any comment or update about the convicted sex offender? and the bronx who attacked a man and then he was let go without any bail? - Yes that was a horrific situation on all fronts.

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    In an unexpected move governor Kathy Hochul stepped in and ordered Phu to be arrested days later, saying she took the matter into her own hands.

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    Because Phu was a repeat offender already on lifetime parole, Convicted of raping a 17 year old back in 1995. efforts to reach foo or his lawyer were unsuccessful, the victim's brother speaking about his condition.

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    He's stable thank god, he's day to day, we simply ask god to help him, or the justice system to be hard handed against these people.

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    Murder is down 10.5 percent in New York city this year, but the seven major crimes tracked by the NYPD are up 36 percent since last year, and critics have pointed to bail reform as a major factor in that jump.

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    My brother is in this condition because of these criminals walking the street, earlier this month the NYPD saying nearly 25 percent of those arrested for burglary go on to commit another felony within 60 days.

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    “是什么让人们要这么做?” - “我的意思是,看到这样的事情发生在整个城市,真的很让人反感,很令人失望。”

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    这起袭击事件发生在周末的布鲁克林购物中心。 - 那(被袭击的)人没有意识到,他不知道会发生什么,我看到人们一次又一次地这样做,他们这样做是不合情理的。

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    这在保释改革问题上引发了一场风暴。 - 你对这名性犯罪者有何评论或最新进展?那个布朗克斯袭击了一个人然后他被释放了,没有任何保释金? - 是的,从各方面来说,情况都很糟糕。

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