你不想听的拖延疗法 1

The procrastination cure you don't want to hear 1 
  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
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    I think one of the most common problems that people have is not that they don't know what to do to dramatically move their life forward in a substantial way.

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    Like, you know exactly what you need to do right now, there's probably something that you've been avoiding like the plague.

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    But the problem is not that you don't know what that is. The problem is that you just can't bring yourself to do it.

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    And that's the common theme every single day is that when you sit down to do this thing, you feel a feeling, and it almost seems unfair, how potent this feeling of resistance is.

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    Because it's usually only present when you think about doing things that are genuinely good for you.

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    So it's like, what's the deal with that? Why does it seem like life is set up that way? Wouldn't it be better if you just actually enjoyed doing difficult things?

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    Wouldn't it be better if you actually had the motivation to be creative or to write a paper or to do your taxes?

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    Like, you probably want nothing more than to be someone who genuinely enjoys and looks forward to doing the things that are good for you, doing the things that empower you.

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    Recently I've been thinking. There is one strategy that I have that works every single time. It always makes me do the thing that I need to do.

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    It's not very flattering. It's not very sexy. We don't want to believe that this is the answer.

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    And I feel like there's so much self-improvement advice out there that kind of ignores this fundamental, not even tactic, it's almost a fact of life.

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    And when we ignore this fact, we'll try to do little tips and tricks, like, oh, set a timer for five minutes and just really try, try really hard to do the work, or try to think more positive thoughts about your work.

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    But all those strategies, they're kind of throw away strategies. Yeah, they might work here or there, but they get old really quick. This strategy is nuclear.

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    So if you need to do one particular thing, then if you do this, you will do it, you will have no choice.

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    The solution is Boredom. Ironically that's also the problem. The solution and the problem are the same thing.

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    You don't wanna do that work because it's so boring to your brain, you want to gouge your eyes out.

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    All of these distractions that you have around sound so much more entertaining than doing that thing.

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    So you always have a backdoor. Why in hell would you write an essay when you could be checking Instagram? When you could be watching YouTube videos like this one?

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    所以就像,"这是怎么回事?" "为什么生活似乎是这样安排的?" "如果你真的喜欢做困难的事情,不是更好吗?"

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    这不是很讨人喜欢。这不是很性感。 我们不愿意相信这就是答案。

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    所以你总有后门。“你为什么要在刷Ing的时候写文章呢?” “或者你在YouTube上看这样的视频时(工作)。”
