I think one of the most common problems that people have is not that they don't know what to do to dramatically move their life forward in a substantial way.
Like, you know exactly what you need to do right now, there's probably something that you've been avoiding like the plague.
But the problem is not that you don't know what that is. The problem is that you just can't bring yourself to do it.
And that's the common theme every single day is that when you sit down to do this thing, you feel a feeling, and it almost seems unfair, how potent this feeling of resistance is.
Because it's usually only present when you think about doing things that are genuinely good for you.
So it's like, what's the deal with that? Why does it seem like life is set up that way? Wouldn't it be better if you just actually enjoyed doing difficult things?
Wouldn't it be better if you actually had the motivation to be creative or to write a paper or to do your taxes?
Like, you probably want nothing more than to be someone who genuinely enjoys and looks forward to doing the things that are good for you, doing the things that empower you.
Recently I've been thinking. There is one strategy that I have that works every single time. It always makes me do the thing that I need to do.
It's not very flattering. It's not very sexy. We don't want to believe that this is the answer.
And I feel like there's so much self-improvement advice out there that kind of ignores this fundamental, not even tactic, it's almost a fact of life.
And when we ignore this fact, we'll try to do little tips and tricks, like, oh, set a timer for five minutes and just really try, try really hard to do the work, or try to think more positive thoughts about your work.
But all those strategies, they're kind of throw away strategies. Yeah, they might work here or there, but they get old really quick. This strategy is nuclear.
So if you need to do one particular thing, then if you do this, you will do it, you will have no choice.
The solution is Boredom. Ironically that's also the problem. The solution and the problem are the same thing.
You don't wanna do that work because it's so boring to your brain, you want to gouge your eyes out.
All of these distractions that you have around sound so much more entertaining than doing that thing.
So you always have a backdoor. Why in hell would you write an essay when you could be checking Instagram? When you could be watching YouTube videos like this one?