华盛顿州帕卢斯瀑布 2

Palouse Falls,帕卢斯瀑布,位于美国华盛顿州富兰克林/惠特曼县,瀑布高约为61米,占地约为42.5万平方米,是美国最气势磅礴、最美丽的大瀑布之一,具有非常独特的历史以及地质特征。帕卢斯瀑布美轮美奂,特别在春天和初夏,水流量尤为巨大,景色颇为壮观。
tags: 旅行 美国 瀑布
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  • 盲听
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    And so I've decided to play it safe today and not do the hike. I would probably do the hike if I was with somebody who had done it before and knew the route.

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    But by myself, like if I slipped and fell, or if I got lost down in this Canyon and didn't realize how it was supposed to get out.

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    That would not be very good. Something that I don't think a lot of people who aren't from this region realize, is that a lot of Washington state looks like this.

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    I feel like people who aren't familiar with Washington, think that it's all like Seattle, like rainy all the time and like very lush.

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    But the state is actually divided by the cascade mountain range. And it creates two very different climates on either side.

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    So while Western Washington, where Seattle is is a very rainy, very cloudy, kind of more temperate, Eastern Washington is much more dry, the temperatures are much more extreme.

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    It gets over 100 in the summer, well below freezing in the winter time. There are two very different sides to Washington state, and I feel like a lot of people don't know that.

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    I grew up on this side of the state, so moving to Seattle was even an adjustment for me with all of the rain and clouds.

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    I'm gonna be honest, this time of the year is my least favorite time to shoot anything. I am so uninspired in like January, February, March. I just feel like everything is dead unless it's freshly snowed.

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    Then it's really beautiful and wintry, but it usually like we get some snow and then it all melts, and then you just have like a brown winter and I just find it so not aesthetically appealing.

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    And for that reason, I've been having a lot of creative block recently. Like I just feel like I can't come up with any ideas of like what I would want to shoot or what would be interesting.

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    Like every idea that I have, I feel like that's boring, I don't wanna do that. But I do find that getting out of the house like breaks my creative blocks, so that's how I got the idea to come down here today.

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    I was like, just go for a drive, just go see something different, and see if it kind of shapes you out of that funk.

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    And I'm really glad I came because this is beautiful. It's like the most gorgeous state to come down here.

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    Well, I've been sitting up on this Ridge here, taking pictures and just enjoying the waterfall, and we have about one minute till sunset.

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    That sun is just about to dip below that Ridge, and the moon is up and I'm getting kind of a cool shot of the moon here with my camera. So yeah, another video exploring more of my own backyard.

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    I definitely am guilty of feeling like my home area is super boring a lot of the time and thinking like, oh, that wouldn't be an interesting video, there's nothing that I could shoot around here.

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    But I've definitely, especially like in the last year most of the last year, tried to get out of that mindset and think like, no, there are things to go explore, and things you can go see, and things you've never seen before, and things that people have also never seen before, that might find interesting in a video.

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    So, I hope you liked this, thanks for watching. I hope you're having a wonderful day, and I will see you guys in the next one, bye.

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