华盛顿州帕卢斯瀑布 1

Palouse Falls,帕卢斯瀑布,位于美国华盛顿州富兰克林/惠特曼县,瀑布高约为61米,占地约为42.5万平方米,是美国最气势磅礴、最美丽的大瀑布之一,具有非常独特的历史以及地质特征。帕卢斯瀑布美轮美奂,特别在春天和初夏,水流量尤为巨大,景色颇为壮观。
tags: 旅行 美国 瀑布
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    Hello from the beautiful Palouse, in Washington State.

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    Today I'm bringing you guys along with me as I take a drive through the palouse of Washington state, thanks to Storyblocks⁽¹⁾ who's sponsoring today's video.

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    The Palouse region is in the Southeastern part of the state and it's mostly wide open and flat, a lot of farming, a lot of fields.

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    And apparently also this colorful graffiti bus which I've never heard of, I didn't know this was here, but I saw it as a point of interest⁽²⁾ on Google maps on my route today, and I thought I'd stop.

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    And there's just like this cool bus hanging out on the side of the road. According to the sign, it looks like it's been donated for public enjoyment, so anybody can stop by here.

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    But this bus is not my main point of interest today. My main point of interest today is Palouse falls because of all my years of living in Washington, I'm a native, I grew up here, I have never visited palouse falls.

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    It's nearly 200 feet tall, it's enormous. And I think the thing that's so interesting about it, is it just springs out of nowhere. Like this region is so flat and then there's just this enormous waterfall.

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    I have flown over it before, I flew over it in a little plane and I did actually get a shot of it as I flew over it, but it was still super far away, and I haven't actually been to the park, and like stood on the edge of the Canyon and looked over into the falls.

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    I've made it to the fall, it is absolutely beautiful. As you can see behind me, there's this whole, like Gorge with a river running through it.

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    It is so stunning and I am so sad that I'm not flying my drone today because I would absolutely love to get my drone in this Canyon right now and zip it down there.

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    But you actually need a permit to fly over the falls, and I don't have that today, but that's what brings me to today's sponsors Storyblocks, who has me covered.

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    Storyblocks has over a million stock assets including 4k video, photos, sound effects, music that creators can download and use in their content.

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    And they have an unlimited plan that gives you unlimited downloads, and you can use it for personal or commercial use.

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    And what I think is most exciting about it, is they have so much aerial footage on there, including a drone shot of the palouse falls.

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    Aerial footage is by far the trickiest thing for me to shoot because a lot of places don't allow drones, a lot of places require permits to fly drones. A lot of times the weather like the wind is not conducive to drone flying.

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    And with Storyblocks, if you're not able to get a drone shot you can just go on there and find one.

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    I think it's such a cool tool for creators, so definitely check it out and I will have a link down below.

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    So there's a pretty popular hike that you can do here down to the base of the falls. It looks really beautiful.

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    However, the hike is strongly discouraged by the Washington Trails Association. Like it's not an official hike, and pretty much every single review I've ever read of this hike is really cool, but it's incredibly sketchy.

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    I don't think the route down is very well-marked, I think you kind of have to take a stab at it. And I believe the part of. Is a long these ridges that you see in here, because a lot of the reviews say, that there are points on the hike that you will be like teetering on a cliff.

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