
Reigning Champion Mark Selby knocked out by Yan Bingtao. 
tags: 体育 访谈 台球 斯诺克
  • 马克·塞尔比 Mark Selby

  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
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    Just a couple of instances in the match, I mean what happened in frame 18? I mean a few eyebrows raised⁽⁵⁾ but I think we asked the table to be cleaned.

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    Oh yeah because I mean it was touch and go⁽⁶⁾ whether he could pop the brown.

  • 3

    So hopefully he wasn't sure whether he could pot⁽⁷⁾, and I'm thinking like if he has a cue ball cleaned and the ref don't put it back exactly where it is all of a sudden it pops when he probably didn't pop.

  • 4

    As it turned out Rob was rightly, so he said no just for that matter, because if he don't put it back bang on, and then he probably pops, but as it turned out he potted it anywhere and won the frame.

  • 5

    Yeah I mean Jimmy White raised a few eyebrows on commentary.

  • 6

    I mean obviously it's one of them things in it, I mean, he's probably thinking why if he cleans it he might like win of it, he might be able to pot it full ball and just screw it back, but no, you know rob's a great ref and he'd done the right thing.

  • 7

    What about the pigeon? - Yeah if he nearly took me he had often, but no I didn't know what was happening I had all the commotion when I was backstage and then I sort of got to the top of the steps and it just flew by me at about 100 miles an hour.

  • 8

    But that's the first time it's ever known anything like that happened, I mean I don't even know how it got in, or sent to Martin Clark if he sort of done a number two on the table what would be the situation.

  • 9

    I mean we can't carry on, ain't got time really to get it recovered, thankfully it didn't.

  • 10

    It's all right though it had a night out. - Yeah yeah it was good, it was good fun, we will show the best soon!

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    事实证明罗伯(时值裁判Rob Spencer)是对的,所以他拒绝了,因为如果他不把它完全正确地放回去,他可能会趁机获利击打,但结果表明,他还是可以打得到,并赢下那一局。

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    你怎么看待(局间休息时闯入赛场,落到球台边走了几步便飞走了)鸽子? - 鸽子经常进来被我撞见,不过当时我不知道发生了啥事,我在后台的时候听见场内发生了骚动,当我走进场内到台阶顶端的时候,鸽子以每小时100英里的速度从我身边飞过。

  • 8

    但这是第一次让人们知道发生了这样的事情,我的意思是我甚至不知道它是如何进来的,或者发送给马丁·克拉克(斯诺克世锦赛赛事总监Martin Clark)的如果他在球台上做了第二件事(拉了粑粑)会是什么情况。

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    虽然鸽子晚上去逛了一圈,但还好。 - 是的,很好,很有趣,我们很快就会展示最好的自己!

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