
Tasty Grab and Go Meal Plan...Mouth Jarring Experience is a fresh, innovative product of layering salads, soups, fruits and desserts inside of Mason Jars.
We use the freshest ingredients and guarantee a shelf life of 3-5 days.
tags: 带货 美食 沙拉 外卖
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  • 盲听
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    Fresh innovative products layered inside customized mason jars, it's all a part of the Mouth Jarring Experience.

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    Nikita Richardson is the owner and founder of the Mouth Jarring Experience, and she joins us to tell us about her cool products and how you can have them delivered directly to you.

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    Welcome Nikita, good to have you! - Thank you, I'm glad to be here!

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    Now we've been talking a little bit. Just a few minutes ago about all this goodness that you brought, but not only is it tasty, it's convenient, it's wonderful, tell them all about it.

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    So we have a weekly meal plan where you get five fruit jars, and you can get five salads or five of our homemade soups.

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    With that weekly meal plan and we will deliver it to your home or office, and that way you'll have it for the week.

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    That's a big thing for people we were talking about, the fact that I think most people would like to eat healthier, but unfortunately it can be expensive and it can be very inconvenient.

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    Because we're all on the go, we don't have a lot of time for meal prep, and you kind of address that with these jars.

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    Yes, and so one of the things with our salad jars you just take off the lid you pour the dressing in and shake it and go.

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    So it's perfect for in the car, going to the gym in between, and our salads or our fruit jars are the same way, whatever fruit you don't eat, throw it in a blender and now you have a healthy smoothie.

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    You've not wasted anything. - Exactly! - And you're so right about the car, I know I spend a lot of time getting from A to B and that's where my downfall is.

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    If I'm eating healthy, if I'm gonna fall off the wagon⁽²⁾, it's in my car, because I'm starving and a drive-through is right there.

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    But this kind of jars that I can take it with me in the morning, we know I can bring it here to work, and then take it with me in the car, and I don't have to pull over to the drive-through.

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    Yes, and that like you said, it helps you when you plan ahead, and these are perfect for you to plan ahead, and it tastes good, we always think healthy has to not have a taste, this is full of flavor and both.

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    Speaking of full of flavors, tell us about the different types of salads and soups that you have.

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    Okay, so our homemade soups we have a Carolyn potato soup and all of them are homemade, we have Mom's Chicken Noodle Soup as well.

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    And then our salads our top seller is an Adam's apple, which has Grilled chicken, Granny Smith apples, goat cheese, walnut and arugula. - Mm-hmm.

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    And then when it comes to the fruit the great thing about that is you pick the fruits you like and will layer them in the jar.

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    Customized. - customized fruit jars, so if you do not like a certain fruit, you don't have to worry about us delivering that jar to you.

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    Right, and if you're vegan you were saying just simply get rid of the meat. - Get rid of the meat, if you don't want to do dairy, just tell us no cheese, it's really customized to whatever dietary needs you want to be on.

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    Alright, and another one that caught my eye when I walked in was the Granola up here, I love to throw that on some yogurt, talk about what's in that jar.

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    So that is our homemade granola with Granny Smith apples, cranberries, and we toss it in honey and cinnamon, and so that is great like you said to put on mix it in with yogurt, you can also have it as cereal adding in a little milk and there it's right there.

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    This is such a great idea, now I'm wondering why I didn't think of it first, but it is such a wonderful idea and I don't know about you, I think a lot of people just to me, just the mason jar alone makes me smile because it's just such a southern thing and... Yeah. - It's comfort food, It's comfort yet.

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    It makes you feel warm and warm and fuzzy when you look at a mason jar, and it makes me think of my grandparents who used to do a lot of preserving, and things like that, so it's fun you empty it out, can use it as a vase or whatever.

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    A boiler, if you want to melt chocolate since you've been eating healthy, you can put some chocolate in there. - Treat yourself. - Yeah, multipurpose. - That's right.

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    Okay, now how do we go about? if you want to do the meal service and then delivery, how do we go about setting ourselves up for that?

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    They can visit our website at MouthJarring.com or they can give us a call at 404-424-6231 and we'll be more than happy to customize a plan for them.

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    Easy, you make it easy. - Very easy. - Thank you so much. - Thank you for having me. - Fantastic lunch, lunch is served. For more information, log on to MouthJarring.com.

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    新鲜的创新产品在定制的玻璃瓶中分层,这都是Mouth Jarring Experience(玻璃罐沙拉品牌)的一部分。

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    尼基塔·理查德森是“Mouth Jarring Experience”便携沙拉品牌的所有者和创始人,她今天加入我们,向我们讲述她的炫酷产品,以及如何让它们直接送到你身边。

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    欢迎尼基塔,很高兴你能来! - 谢谢,我很高兴来到这里!

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    你(客户)不会浪费任何东西。 - 必须的! - 关于车的事你说得太对了,我知道我从一个地方到另一个地方要花很多时间,这(浪费的时间)就是失败之处。

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    还有我们的沙拉,我们卖得最好的是“亚当的苹果”这款沙拉,里面有烤鸡,史密斯奶奶苹果(青苹果),山羊奶酪,核桃和芝麻菜。 - 嗯。

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    私人定制。- 定制的水果罐,所以如果你不喜欢某种水果,你不必担心我们交付给你的罐子。

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    对,如果你是素食主义者,你会说只要不吃肉就行了。 - 不要吃肉,如果你不想吃乳制品,就告诉我们不要芝士,它真的是根据你的饮食需求定制的。

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    这真是个好主意,现在我在想为什么我没有第一个想到它,但这是一个非常棒的主意,我不知道你是怎么想的,我想很多人对我来说,单是(你用的这个)梅森瓶就能让我微笑,因为这是如此南方的东西,而且… - (里边装的)是家常食物。

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    (还可用作)加热器皿,如果你想要融化巧克力,因为你一直在健康饮食,你可以放一些巧克力在里面(隔水融化)。 - 善待自己。 - 是的,多用途(的玻璃罐)。 - 没错。

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    大道至简,你让事情变得简单。 - 非常简单。 - 非常感谢。 - 谢谢你邀请我。 - 很棒的午餐,午餐已开始供应! 了解更多信息,请登录MouthJarring.com。