
Second Migrant Suicide In NYC Shelter Puts Focus On Mental Care 
Officials pledge to provide mental health care to migrants following confirmation of a second suicide inside a NYC shelter. WNBC's Melissa Russo reports.
2022.12.21 NBC News
tags: 新闻 移民 难民 纽约
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    Incoming, the buses from the border are back, City officials anticipating they'll drop a thousand migrants a week into a city already overwhelmed.

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    This is an unprecedented emergency. - At a city council hearing today the Adams Administration testified with the shelter system at capacity.

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    They might have to reopen that massive tent on Randall's Island. A plan the city council says it opposes.

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    You've referenced commissioner Iscol reopening the Randall's Island facility as a possibility, and this council stands opposed to reinstating those open Tent City facilities.

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    By the time that emergency shelter on Randall's Island was ready to go, a change in border policy had slowed the flow of migrants.

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    So it was deactivated after serving just 525 people, but now that's all changing again.

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    This city is going to go belly up, trying to provide for people that we care about, and nobody else does.

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    Since May, more than 31 000 Latin American migrants have been sent to New York City, which has received none of the help requested from the federal government.

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    It is necessary for the city to effectively respond to this humanitarian crisis with all stakeholders, especially in order to address long-term needs.

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    Council members today with many questions about the care from food to shelter, to Legal Services, and notably mental health.

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    Every staff member you saw has had psychological first aid training, that means every staff member is a set of eyes to see who needs mental health the most.

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    While City Health officials were testifying this afternoon about plans to provide mental health care to traumatized migrants, News 4 confirmed and reported that a second migrant committed suicide last week inside a shelter in Queens.

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    Police sources say a father of three in his twenties left a note to take care of his three children. - I am really concerned about the lack of money for mental health support.

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    After the hearing City Health officials told us they were not allowed to answer our questions about the suicide.

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    We're supposed to hold off and talking to people, but I appreciate you asking them.

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    这是前所未有的紧急情况。 - 今天在城市议会听证会上,亚当斯(纽约市长埃里克·亚当斯)政府证实了避难所系统的容量(已达上限)。

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    你提到伊斯科尔(应急管理局局长Zach Iscol)局长有可能重新开放兰德尔斯岛的设施,而本议会反对重新开放那些“帐篷城”设施。

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    警方消息称,一名20多岁的3个孩子的父亲留下了一张纸条,要求照顾他的3个孩子。 - 我真的很担心我们缺乏资金用于心理健康支撑。

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    (官员: )我们应该先(将移民自杀问题)放一放,和别人谈谈,但我很感谢你能问及他们。