
Increase Your Financial Confidence 
Best Selling Author Of “MISS INDEPENDENT” & Financial Expert Nicole Lapin Offers Easy-To-Implement Steps That Will Empower You To Take Control Of Your Money. For more information visit: CapitalOne.com/NationalSavingsDay. Sponsored By: Capital One.
October 24, 2022
tags: 带货 金融 银行 理财
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    With inflation the way it is, and now is a great time to make your money go further.

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    Financial expert and author Nicole Lapin is here and she's teaming up with Capital One to share some easy ways to save.

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    Thanks for joining us, Nicole, why is it so important to save right now?

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    Well with current inflation it is a great time to take advantage of higher interest rates by focusing on savings and the increased interest rates we're now getting.

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    Capital One started national savings day, to help empower folks to feel more confident about their relationship with money, and provide education on how to save in a way that feels easy and authentic.

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    This day marks the perfect time to learn new skills or brush up on ones you already know about.

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    And that's why I'm keeping teaming up with Capital One, to help share how small changes really can make a big difference in your savings.

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    What steps can we take to create healthy saving habits? - The first step is to create a savings plan and start paying yourself first from each paycheck.

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    In my most recent book Miss Independent, I write about how you can set it and forget it.

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    You don't need to look at spreadsheets all day long. You just need to set up a system once and then let your money work for you.

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    For instance using an automatic savings plan with Capital One 360 Performance Savings.

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    It's simple, you just come up with a set amount that you want to go straight into your savings from your paycheck once, and then forget about it.

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    It has a great interest rate, so your alert you're earning money every single time you make a deposit.

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    I mean you work so hard for your money, I think it's about time it returned the favor.

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    One thing I suggest is to take a financial selfie, and that means look at your finances without a filter.

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    See where you can be more efficient, and put something a little extra toward savings.

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    Be really honest with yourself, because the only financial problem you can't fix is the one you don't admit you have.

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    I really like the idea of creating a sub savings account, where you literally name an account with exactly what you're saving for.

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    So you could label one holiday presents or another one—my Mexico vacation fund.

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    Visualizing what you're saving for ensures that you're more likely to do it if you're imagining what you get with that money on the other side.

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    The Capital One 360 Performance Savings account lets you label multiple accounts for each one of your financial goals.

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    And that way you are ready by the time the holidays roll around, and you're not scrambling.

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    Thanks so much Nicole, for more information visit capitalone.com/Nationalsavingsday.

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    金融专家兼作家妮可·拉宾在这里与美国第一资本投资国际集团(Capital One)合作,分享一些简单的储蓄方法。

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    我们可以采取哪些步骤来养成健康的储蓄习惯呢? - 第一步是创建一个储蓄计划,从每次的薪水中开始支付自己的费用。

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    例如,使用"Capital One 360绩效储蓄"的自动储蓄计划。

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    Capital One 360绩效储蓄账户允许你为每个财务目标标记多个账户。

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