
Atlanta Makes MVP Investment List  
Atlanta Was Named One Of The Most Valuable Places To Invest In Coming Years. Dan Rosenbloom, Managing Director & Head of Investments for Cadre shares Why Atlanta Made the List and What Locals Can Expect in the Real Estate Market in 2023 and Beyond. For more information visit: website here. Sponsored By: Cadre.
December 22, 2022
tags: 带货 地产 商业 投资 中介
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    As we close out a year with wild swings in Real Estate Markets, it's unclear what investors and homeowners should expect in 2023.

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    Dan Rosenbloom, the managing director and head of Investments for Cadre, is joining us now to talk about Atlanta, and a new list of MVP Real Estate Markets.

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    So Dan, what are the most valuable places to live in? and how are they determined? - Yeah so let me give you a little background on Cadre here.

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    Cadre is a commercial real estate investment management firm that brings together individuals and some of the top institutional investors on our Technology-driven platform.

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    Our high tech and high touch approach allows us to identify markets that will be what we believe to be most valuable places to invest in multi-family office, and Industrial properties across the United States.

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    So within Atlanta, we're obviously it's home to many Fortune 500 companies, you know the city is also seen an influx of tech hubs from Top corporations like Intel, McKinsey and Nike.

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    And obviously you know the growth of Midtown I've invested in Atlanta for for many many years now, and the growth of Midtown has been been really staggering.

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    And you know obviously Atlanta's just a place that people want to live and move to so corporations realize that.

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    And we've seen you know an influx of Corporations with higher paying jobs coming to Atlanta over the last couple of years.

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    What can people living in Atlanta expect in the Real Estate Market for the next 12 to 24 months?

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    You look, we're looking for markets within that MVP that we discussed where we think we're going to outperform the broader market.

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    Over the next 12 to 24 months and we do think Atlanta has that capability.

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    And we feel that investing in newer, good, solid assets in good macro-location within the Atlanta Marke is something that as you invest your money, you will be able to create wealth with those Investments.

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    For more information visit www.cadre.com/MVP.

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    丹·罗森布洛姆, Cadre(卡德雷)公司总经理兼投资主管,现在加入我们讨论一下亚特兰大,以及一份新的MVP房地产市场名单。

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    那么,丹,最有价值的居住地是哪里?它们是如何确定的? - 好的,让我给你们讲一点关于Cadre的背景知识。

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