
Loneliness has become an epidemic in U.S., Surgeon General says 
Loneliness can increase the risk for heart disease, stroke and even dementia. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy spoke to NBC News’ Stephanie Gosk on why it has become an epidemic in America and his recommendations.
2023.5.3 NBC News
tags: 新闻 医疗 卫生 健康
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    Walking clubs are taking off, and it's not just the exercise. - You're connecting with someone which is something that I was kind of missing.

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    More and more people are missing that connection, and are feeling lonely. - The pandemic poured fuel on a fire that was already burning.

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    Dr Vivek Murthy, the U.S Surgeon General says loneliness is an epidemic. The focus of an 80-page advisory he is releasing today.

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    We're used to thinking about smoking and obesity as a clear public health concerns?

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    So you're saying loneliness is comparable to smoking in terms of the detriment to your health. - Yeah in terms of the risk that it poses for premature death, yes.

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    Half of U.S adults experience measurable loneliness, and it's greater among young adults.

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    When you struggle with loneliness, when you're socially disconnected, it increases your risk of depression and anxiety and suicide, but it also increases your risk of physical illness as well.

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    Loneliness increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, and among older adults dementia.

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    The cure, Dr. Murthy says is not only personal change, but societal change as well.

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    What we need to do is actually rebuild social infrastructure in our country? - You're talking about changing this social fabric, that's been decades in the making.

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    It's been decades in the making? but it's also something that I've confirmed that we can address, when if we put our mind to it, and if we act together?

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    Among his recommendations a focus on community organizations, mobilizing the health sector to raise awareness, and reconsidering how we use technology.

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    In-person matters, connecting online has its place has its value, but it's not a substitute for in-person connection we really do need both.

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    Cultivating and supporting time together, face to face, because our health depends on it, Stephanie Gosk, NBC News.

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    徒步俱乐部正在兴起,这不仅仅是一种锻炼。 - 你在和某人交流,而这是我一直缺少的。

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    越来越多的人失去了这种联系,感到孤独。 - 这场疫情为已经燃烧的大火火上浇油。

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    所以你是说孤独对健康的危害堪比吸烟。 - 是的,就早亡风险而言,的确。

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    我们需要做的是重建我们国家的社会基础结构? - 你说的是改变这种社会结构,这种结构已经形成了几十年。

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