
Writers’ strike looms in Hollywood 
A writers' strike may be on the horizon in Hollywood if a deal isn’t struck soon between writers and the alliance representing the studios they write for. NBC News’ Marissa Parra details how this strike would impact movies and television productions.
2023.5.1 NBC News
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    Hollywood is holding its breath, as signs of a writers' strike are written across Tinseltown.

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    We are really prepared to do what we have to do to get a fair deal.

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    In a standoff with the alliance representing the studios, they write for, "Nearly 98% of writers guild of America members support a strike." Saying the vote represents collective solidarity and demand for meaningful change.

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    We want enough money to make a basic living, doing what we love, which is writing.

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    Profits for the companies are up, the cost of living is up, and payment to writers is down.

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    The alliance of motion picture and television producers has remained largely tight-lipped, saying in statements their goal continues to be to reach a fair and reasonable agreement.

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    But if they don't. - It is going to have a massive ripple effect that you could borderline call a tsunami effect.

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    It's not only writers affected, those in front and behind the camera will likely stand in solidarity, refusing to cross the picket line, bringing production to a grinding halt.

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    Late night TV would feel the impact first, just like the last time writers went on strike 15 years ago, when Stephen Colbert famously quipped: I got a problem here, there are no words in my prompter.

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    Last week Seth Meyers showing his support. - What the writers are asking for? Is not unreasonable.

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    lot on the line. - If you want to put a big word up in the sky, in flaming letters, it's streaming.

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    Streaming has changed not only how movies and TV are viewed, but how they're made, fewer episodes, longer production time, and less pay, which writers say is not sustainable.

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    You can break it down very clearly: more money, more information, more security and less freebies.

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    And make no mistake, halting Hollywood can be expensive, the last Hollywood strike cost billions, okay.

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    但如果他们做不到。- 它将产生巨大的连锁反应,你可以称之为海啸效应。

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    上周塞斯·梅耶斯表示了他的支持。 - 编剧们要求了什么?这些要求并非不合理。

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    编剧们认为,这其中牵涉到很多问题。 - 如果你就简单弄几个着火的大字母在天上飘(内容空洞、华而不实),那是(非院线的)流媒体。

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