FAA: 空乘人员换班期增加休息时间

Flight Attendants Must Get 10 Hours Of Rest Between Shifts, FAA Orders  
A new FAA rule will require airlines to give flight attendants a minimum of 10 hours of rest time between shifts. The change adds one extra hour of rest, and comes after a summer of travel chaos at the nation's airports.
tags: 新闻 航空
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    They're on the front lines in the nation's Skies, dealing with safety in-flight emergencies and bad behavior.

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    For years, flight attendants have complained they're overworked and overstressed. As Federal rules allowed them to work 14-hour days with nine hours of rest between ships.

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    Today the FAA ordered flight attendants must get a minimum of 10 hours rest. - They need just as much rest, because flight attendants are the foundation of aviation safety's culture starting with cabin safety.

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    It comes after Airlines asked all crew members to work extra shifts during the summer travel surge.

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    It's not just the full flights and the overtime flight attendants continue to deal with this increase, in unruly sometimes even violent behavior on board their planes.

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    This has been the most challenging time in the history of our aviation. - While some airlines have already adopted the new rest rules.

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    They must all comply after the new year, meanwhile 43 percent of Americans are planning to pay more to travel this holiday season.

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    But a new bank rate survey finds nearly 8 out of 10 are changing their plans due to inflation, roughly a quarter say they'll travel fewer days and shorter distances.

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    Drive instead of fly and select less expensive destinations or hotels, a third say holiday travel plans will strain their budgets.

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    They still want to travel, they still want to have the big holiday meal and all the gifts under the tree, but they're going to try to cut some corners⁽¹⁾ and do it differently.

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    The time to buy airline tickets say travel pros is now, Tom Costello NBC News Washington.

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    今天,美国联邦航空局要求空乘人员必须至少休息10小时。- 他们的确需要尽可能多的休息,因为空乘人员是航空安全文化的基础,从机舱安全开始。

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    这是我们航空史上最具挑战性的时刻。 - 一些航空公司已经采用了新的休息规定。

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