
A New Survey Reveals What Shoppers Want This Holiday Season  
Melissa Bastos joins us to share about how consumers are planning on shopping this holiday season and how consumers feel about in-store and online shopping. For more information, visit www.LifestyleMonitor.CottonInc.com.
November 22, 2022
tags: 带货 服装 服饰
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    The peak holiday shopping season has arrived, but where were consumers shop this year?

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    Joining us to share the results of a recent survey on how consumers are planning on shopping this holiday is Melissa Bastos.

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    Director of corporate strategy and insights for cotton Incorporated, welcome Melissa, so what were some of the more surprising results of this year's survey?

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    I think that two-thirds of consumers tell us they really want to be back out in the stores, that's significantly up from 2021.

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    And they want to be in the stores, because they want to feel and touch the items, they're going to be buying get ideas.

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    But also I think mainly just to get into the mood to shop for the holidays, because they want to see the decorations, they want to smell the spices of the holiday, so they're really looking forward to being back out there.

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    Melissa, which gifts are trending this holiday season? - The top gift is clothing, 57% planning to buy that, for their friends and family followed the gift cards, toys, electronics.

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    So we've seen a little bit of decrease in electronics this year, increases in clothing, we also know that if they're buying clothing or they're receiving clothing.

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    They'd like to be receiving things like t-shirts, pajamas, and jeans, those are the ones consumers tell us they like the most, because they find them the most functional and comfortable.

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    I'm also cotton rich items, they say if the clothing has has a cotton rich content, then that means they're comfortable as well as soft, breathable, and quality, that means it'll stick around a while.

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    Melissa, where can viewers go for more information and gift ideas? - Well, if you're looking for some gifts, cotton Rich gifts, you can go to thefabricofourlives.com, Shop Cotton.

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    Or if you're just interested in some more research, you can go to www.lifestylemonitor.cottoninc.com.

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    Thank you for joining us, Melissa. - Thank you, happy holidays! - For more information visit www.lifestylemonitor.cottoninc.com.

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    梅丽莎,这个假期最流行的礼物是什么? - 最受欢迎的礼物是服装,57%的人计划购买服装,其次是给朋友和家人的礼品卡、玩具、电子产品。

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    梅丽莎,观众可以从哪里获得更多信息和礼物创意? - 嗯,如果你在找礼物,含棉丰富的礼物,你可以去网站www.thefabricofourlives.com的“Shop Cotton”栏目。

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    谢谢你加入我们,梅丽莎。 - 谢谢你,节日快乐! - 更多信息请访问www.lifestylemonitor.cottoninc.com。