
小石城为减少暴力向公众征集意见 City of Little Rock accepting violence reduction bids from the community 
阿肯色州首府小石城英文名字叫做Little Rock,虽然听起来非常可爱,但实际上治安状况非常糟糕。根据FBI的报道,这里每175个人里就有一个人的车曾经被抢走过。这里也是美国最穷的州之一,整个州有19.5%的人口生活在贫困线之下。
KATV Channel 7 报道于2021年12月下旬
tags: 新闻 社会 治安 犯罪
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    While city leaders are also hoping to address the rise of violent crime in Little Rock through community proposals.

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    Channel 7 Shelby Rose joins us to explain the idea behind it and what they're looking for. Shelby.

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    Beth. This plan is a part of the violent Crime reduction strategy that was announced in late October.

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    They hoped to enlist the help and provide funding to organizations already doing the work.

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    On Monday, the city of Little Rock logged its 61st homicide, the highest it's been in more than a decade.

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    We're not the only city that's seeing an uptick in violence. I think it's across the country.

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    But it's still a problem in the capital city and its leaders are wanting the ideas of residents to help reduce the rising rates.

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    Oftentimes, we we try to do it ourselves, but this is a prime opportunity for us to engage the Community, engage individuals and organizations who are already doing the work.

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    The city board has set aside $1.2 million from the American Rescue Plan⁽¹⁾ for this effort.

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    Certain ideas they're looking for include violence reduction programs, targeting things like conflict resolution and domestic violence prevention.

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    That anger comes out somewhere, and so we're seeing it in the form of our community violence.

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    If awarded, it will be under a 12 month contract up to $200,000.

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    Sanders saying. These will help stop the violence before it even happens.

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    We're looking to provide opportunities for individuals to possibly receive resources, receive some support, receive referrals or job leads that will help them better combat the problems and the issues that they're facing.

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    But this isn't the only part to that violent crime reduction strategy. The Little Rock Police Department has said they're increasing visibility in deterrence through surveillance, Beth.

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    OK Shelby Rose for us tonight. Shelby, thank you. Anyone is welcome to submit a proposal such as a nonprofit, for profit or just an individual. And you have until December 27th at 3:00 PM to do so.

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    贝丝。 该计划是10月末宣布的减少暴力犯罪战略的一部分。

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