
Comedian Emil Wakim tells jokes about how to address a large group of people, embracing diversity and culture and living in a different America.
tags: 单口 脱口 喜剧 瓦基姆
  • 埃米尔·瓦基姆 Emil Wakim

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    Our next guest will be at The Comedy Attic⁽¹⁾ in Bloomington, Indiana, August 12th and 13th. Making his "Tonight Show" debut, please welcome the very funny Emil Wakim!

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    Thank you so much. Hello. So, here's what I think about Israel and Palestine. No, I'm kidding. That'd be a crazy way to take the show. No. No. I don't know.

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    I know it looks like I would know. But I do not know. It's weird not knowing, especially when you look like both sides of the conflict in the Middle East.

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    But I'm very happy to be here. I hope you guys are doing well. And by "guys⁽²⁾," obviously I mean half not that.

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    It's a weird thing we do. We just say, "Hey, guys," to a whole group of people. I don't know what the better term is, either. Like, I don't know what the more accepting, encompassing term is.

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    Like, some people think it's "y'all." But it's not. No, it's "Y'all" with that twang on it. Like, no minority has ever heard, "Where y'all from?" and thought, "This is gonna turn out well for me."

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    Like, okay, I saw a lady wearing a shirt that said, "Y'all Means All." And I was like, "No, it doesn't." It doesn't. A sign that says, "Y'all are welcome here," does not mean all are welcome here.

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    It's less. Like, it's less in the way that like, you know when you see someone holding a sign that says, "all lives matter," yeah, they mean y'all lives. Like, that's the difference.

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    这是我们做的一件很奇怪的事。我们只是对一群人说,“Hey, guys”。我也不知道哪个词更好。就像,我不知道哪个词更能让人接受、包容。

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    比如,有些人认为是“y'all”(美国南方的习惯,他们认为这比‘you guys’更合适)。但也不行。不对,因为“y'all”带着(南方的)口音。比如,一个很大的群体(美国南方)听到"Where y'all from?"后会想“这个表达方式对我来说很好”。

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    当然这种情况不多。就像,当你看到有人举着一个牌子,上面写着“所有的生命都很重要”,是的,他这么说就没毛病了,同时包含you guys和y'all的意思。这就是(语言表达的)区别。