
Smart Summer Snacking with California Walnuts 
Registered Dietitian, Carissa Galloway shares simple ways to mix up your snacks with California Walnuts. Sponsored By: California Walnuts.
tags: 美食 烹饪 核桃
  • 英中
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  • 盲听
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    Registered dietitian Carissa Galloway joins us to share why she snacks with california walnuts, Hi Carissa.

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    Hi there, yes we all snack and that's a good thing, but I recommend choosing snacks that are fun easy and nutritious, and a simple way to mix up your snacks is to swap or add in California walnuts.

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    California walnuts? - Well, first I love the taste and the crunch, and how they can work in a sweet or a savory dish, it's really cool though when I look at the nutrition.

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    Because one ounce of walnuts includes four grams of plant-based protein and two grams of fiber, plus walnuts are a good source of magnesium, and the only nut that provides an excellent source of plant-based Omega-3 ALA.

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    What other ways did you use them today? - So I have two fun modern twists on classic snack foods, first a vanilla walnut trail mix, the walnuts have a hint of sweetness and are tossed with yogurt covered treats and dried fruits.

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    It's a perfect portable snack that my kids love, next, who's not a fan of pizza? everybody loves pizza, and this snack is a little bit fancy, but a whole lot of fun.

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    These are walnut chorizo and goat cheese mini pizza bites, they are packed with tons of flavor from a meatless chorizo that's made with chopped California walnuts and mediterranean flavors.

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    So are those vegetarian pizza bites? - Yes, they were so easy to make and the taste and the texture is like chorizo, but they're vegetarian and packed with plant protein.

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    So I encourage you to get creative with your California walnuts, and remember to store them in the fridge or freezer instead of the pantry for optimal freshness.

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    Thanks Carissa, for more information visit walnuts.org slash snacking.

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    那你为什么喜欢加州核桃呢? - 首先,我喜欢它的味道和脆脆的口感,以及它们如何在甜食或开胃菜中发挥作用,不过从营养角度来看,它真的很酷。

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    你今天还用了哪些方法? - 我在经典零食中加入两个有趣的现代新花样,第一种是香草核桃什锦坚果,核桃有一点甜味,与酸奶和干果混在一起。

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    那些是素食披萨吗? - 是的,它们很容易做,味道和质地都像西班牙香肠,但它们是素食,富含植物蛋白。

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