Yahoo! it's leap day, that extra day in February that lands on our calendars once every four years.
It means deals on donuts and fast food, it commemorates the life of St Oswald who died about a thousand years ago and was famous for building monasteries.
We take it, you know about the Earth's annual trip around the sun takes a year right? Well it really takes 365 and one quarter days.
And Year starting to think, come on, no one said anything about math well tough, the trip takes 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds.
Summer would turn into winter, and winter would turn into summer, giving a whole new meaning to Christmas in July.
When the ancient Egyptians began measuring time by dividing the year into 12 months of 30 days.
They added the five extra days on to the end of the year as five days of festivals, party on Pharaoh.
But that 365 day 5 hour and 48 minutes and 46 seconds times 4, only adds up to an extra 23.2 hours, not a full 24.
We occasionally take out some leap days, we only get a leap day in end of century years that are divisible by 400 so.
Think of it this way, all the kids you went to school with kids from your grade, when they turn 100, you'll be 25, give or take a couple of minutes.