
电影《罪人》 Den skyldige (2018) 台词摘选 
Den Skyldige, the original Danish thriller movie that forms the basis for The Guilty 's gripping crime storyline, is actually based on some other real-life sources. Though the exact story isn't true, Den Skyldige takes lots of inspiration from true crime footage and podcasts.
tags: 电影 罪人 Den Skyldige
  • 雅各布·克德格恩 Jakob Cedergren

  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
  • 1

    911, this is emergency, operator 625, what is the address of your emergency? - Now help me. - Okay, sir, am I speaking to Dru Nashe?

  • 2

    This is Joe. - Joe, hey, do you have time to answer a couple of questions about tomorrow? - Who is this? - I just have some questions. - I asked who's calling. - It's Katherine Harbor.

  • 3

    Are you a journalist? - Yes. I thought I said I was. I'm with L.A. Times. Is this a bad time for you? I can call back later, really thanks. - Shouldn't you introduce yourself properly before you start asking me questions? - Listen I just want to get your side of the story. - How'd you get this number?

  • 4

    Is this the fire department? - No, ma'am, you've reached 911, but I can connect you to fire, just hold the line. - I can see the flames at the hill side to the east. - I understand, just hold one moment I'll connect you to fire. Just hold the line.

  • 5

    My name is Matthew. I'm personal friends with the governor. I'm here on very important business and I've just been robbed. - Okay, sir, I need more of who you are. Last name, Matthew? - Fontenot. Matthew Fontenot. - How do you spell that, sir? - Fontenot.

  • 6

    Where are you? - Bro, doesn't your computer show that? - No, unfortunately it's not exact. - Man, I need the fucking police! - And I need an address. I need you to get out of your car and read me a street sign or give me a landmark, sir. - I just told you I just got robbed! I'm not leaving my fucking car!

  • 7

    A woman pulled a knife and took my wallet and computer, okay? It has all my work. - And did this just happen? - Yes.

  • 8

    What in the fuck are you doing at dispatch? - Equal Latitude Initiative. Every Sergeant mans the phone twice a month. - Is that a good use of resources? - Yeah, political geniuses with ideas about how to do our fucking job. This phone duty is shit.

  • 9

    Okay, Emily, just try and keep calm. I'm gonna need to figure out where you are. I'm show that you're outside city limits. Try and stay calm, Emily, okay? Just keep pretending like you're talking to your child. Talk to me like I'm your child.

  • 10

    Fucking pick up. - California Highway Patrol. - This is Officer Joe Baylor. LAPD Communications. I have a woman who's been abducted. She's traveling in a vehicle at a high rate of speed somewhere eastbound on the I-10 East to Downtown. You have any units available? - I'll check.

  • 11

    You have a plate number? - No but the woman will tell me when she sees the officers pass. Hold the line.

  • 12

    I get scared being alone too, you know. And you know what I do when I'm lonely? I'd turn on the TV, and I'd have company, why wouldn't you go do that?

  • 13

    And in the meantime. I'm gonna send some officers over there to look after you and Oliver, okay? - I don't wanna talk anymore, I want mommy. - Okay, someone's gonna be with you soon. If you'll need help then call 911. Can you say that for me?

  • 14

    Hey, I've got... I have a technical question. - Sure. - If I logout of my computer and I login into another one, will I still get the same calls? - Yes, they follow your login, not your computer. So your system can go anywhere you go.

  • 15

    You got a sec? - Sure, man, it's calm down here, what's up? - I need you to do me a favor. - Sure thing, what do you need? - Okay, could you send a car over to 5800 Regis St., apartment 6? It's urgent. - Yeah, you got it. Why? - I'm working a convicted felon who kidnapped his ex-wife. Left two kids at the mother's house. They're alone. I need someone to the send a unit over there.

  • 16

    Is there anyone at his house? - I think he lives alone, but there might be clues to where they are going or where he is. Look, we need to hurry. Alright? Get a unit over to the mother's house and then send one over to his and kick his fucking door in if you have to.

  • 17

    You are in enough trouble already. I will send a car to the mother's house. But I'm not gonna have anyone kicking in any fucking doors. It's not your job. - I know that. - Yeah, well, apparently you don't.

  • 18

    What, am I not supposed to talk in here either? - No, in here is fine. You could do something about your attitude though.

  • 1

    911接警中心,工号625,你报警的地址在哪里? - 快来救我。 - 好的先生,你是德鲁·纳什吗?

  • 2

    我是乔。 - 乔,嘿,你明天有时间回答我几个问题吗? - 你是谁? - 我只需几个问题。 - 我问你是哪位? - 我是凯瑟琳·哈珀。

  • 3

    你是记者? - 对,我以为我说了,我是洛杉矶时报的,现在不方便?我可以稍后再电,很感谢。 - 在问我问题之前,你不应该先自我介绍一下吗? - 听着,我只想采访你的故事。 - 你怎么拿到我电话号码的?

  • 4

    这是火警吗? - 不,女士,你打的是911,但我能为你转接火警,请稍候。 - 我能看见东边山上的火焰。 - 我明白,稍等,为你转接火警,别挂。

  • 5

    我名叫马修·丰特诺... 我还是州长的朋友,我在出一次重要的差,我刚被抢劫了! - 好,先生,我需要你全名,你姓什么?马修? - 丰特诺,马修·丰特诺。 - 怎么拼?先生? - Fontenot.

  • 6

    你在哪里? - 老兄,你电脑没显示吗? - 不,可惜不太精准。 - 伙计,我需要TM的警察! - 我需要个地址,我要你下车,报一个路牌,或给我个地标。 - 唉,我刚说了我被抢劫了!我不会离开我的车!

  • 7

    一个女人拔出刀,抢走了我的钱包和电脑,行了吧?我所有工作资料都在里边。 - 这是刚发生的? - 是的。

  • 8

    你在调度中心干嘛呢? - 《平等自由换岗倡议》所有警司级别,每月接两次电话。 - 这算是资源优化? - 对,政治精英们的馊主意,体验如何做好本职工。这接电话的活儿就是屁。

  • 9

    好的,艾米莉,尽力保持镇静,我会弄清楚你在哪里,这里显示你已经出了城区,保持镇静,艾米莉,好吗? 假装继续跟你孩子说话,好吗?把我当你的孩子,跟我说话。

  • 10

    快接啊。 - 加州公路巡警。 - 我是警官乔·贝勒,洛城警局通信中心的,有一名女性被劫持,她在一辆高速行驶的车辆中,在城东10号公路的某处往东行驶,你有能协助的单位吗? - 我查一下。

  • 11

    你知道车牌号吗? - 没有,但当警车经过,那女子会告知,别挂稍等。

  • 12


  • 13

    同时我会派警察去你那儿,照顾你和奥利弗,好吗? - 我不想再说了,我想要妈妈。 - 好的,很快就会有人来陪你,如果你需要帮助,就打911,你能说一遍吗?

  • 14

    嘿,我有个…问你个技术问题。 - 请讲。 - 如果我退出系统,再换台电脑登录(911报警电话接线系统),还能接到原先的电话吗? - 是的,系统认定的是登录账号,不是机器,所以你想坐哪儿都一样。

  • 15

    有时间吗? - 当然,老弟,现在有空了,什么事? - 我要你帮个忙。 - 没问题,怎么帮你? - 好,你能派辆车去雷吉斯大街5800号6号公寓吗?有点急。 - 行啊,为什么? - 我在跟进一位被重刑犯前夫绑架的女子,她家有两孩子无人照看,我需要派人过去查看下。

  • 16

    有人在他家吗? - 我想他是一个人住,但可能有线索知道他们要去哪里或者他在哪里。听着,我们得快点了。对吧?派一队人去他妈家,然后再派一队人去他家,必要的话破门而入。

  • 17

    你的麻烦已经够多了,我会派警车去这位妈妈家,但我不会让谁强闯谁家的门,这不是你的职责。 -
    我知道。 - 可是,显然你不清楚。

  • 18

    怎么?在这里,我也不能打电话? - 不是,这里没问题,不过你可以改改你的坏脾气。