
Car Prices Decrease After Peaking In July. 
Car prices nationwide are cooling, down an average $574 from their peak in July after the supply-chain crisis made it almost impossible to buy one. NBC News’ Jacob Ward has expert advice if you're in the market.
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    When we visited this California Toyota dealership a year ago, this van was the only new car they had, and someone had just bought it.

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    "Do you think they ever test drove it?" - "My guess would be no."

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    Today Keith Hernandez has a few more cars on the lot, and the good news for anyone in the market for a new ride is that price is nationwide while up from a year ago are cooling.

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    Down an average 574 dollars from their peak in July. But at Hernandez's dealership, the best buys are across the street.

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    Why do you have so many used cars right now? - So great question, mainly for those that don't want to wait the 6 to 10 12 months.

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    New cars are still so scarce, there's a waiting list, and dealership profits off each vehicle have soared since before the pandemic.

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    What we're finding is we can sell few cars less per month, but make twice, three times as much.

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    But these used cars cost the dealers money, and they are eager to get that money back, the increase in inventory is giving buyers some opportunity.

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    Now we're starting to see some return to normalcy, so it is getting slightly better.

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    But we're not talking about you know 2017 2018 conditions in which cars are plentiful and discounts are everywhere.

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    So how do you get ahead of the pack⁽¹⁾? find out what your current car is worth, some used cars are actually increasing in value.

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    Lock in your loan rate before the FED drives it higher, and make a realistic budget that includes repairs, fuel costs, and inflation.

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    And remember, because used cars are so hard to come by, the one you own makes you irresistible.

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    "It's a dealership, that kind of customer that comes in with the trade-in today is twice as valuable." - Jake Ward, NBC News, Walnut Creek California.

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    “你觉得他们试驾过吗?” - “我估计没有。”

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    你现在怎么有这么多二手车? - 这个问题很好,主要是针对那些不想等6到10个月甚至一年的人。

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    但我们不是在谈论2017 - 2018年的情况,那时汽车充足,到处都是折扣。

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    “这是一个经销商,这种来以旧换新的客户,今天的折旧价是以往两倍。” - NBC新闻,杰克·沃德,加州胡桃溪报道。