
Reports of potholes on the rise across U.S. after record rains and temperature swings 
Niala Charles报道。
This year, towns and cities across the United States have seen a major increase in reports of potholes. Experts say wild temperature swings and record rains have contributed to the issue. NBC News’ Niala Charles reports.
2023.4.30 NBC News
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    On road, after suspension rattling road. America is going to pot⁽¹⁾, potholes. - They're just everywhere, and it's it's a hazard.

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    In San Jose, Daily calls for pothole repairs doubled earlier this year. In Fresno California, pothole complaints are up 305% from last year, in Minneapolis, they more than quadrupled.

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    Are you satisfied with the repairs that are being done thus far? - No.

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    Kevin Potter hit a pothole near his SanDiego area home that wrecked his tire, so he and his wife formed their own pothole patrol.

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    Getting so deep, it's getting bigger and bigger. - Prowling the area, documenting concrete craters on Facebook. - Pothole City!

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    Experts say wild temperature swings plus record rains have made the situation far worse this year.

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    So the number of drivers that have sustained vehicle damage from a pothole that have required a repair, did increase 57% from the previous years?

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    This pothole is a big one, it's more than two feet wide and about six inches deep, and these potholes don't just cause a bumpy ride for drivers, they could also cause physical damage to cars.

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    I'm telling you my car, my car probably knocked out a line, because they're so bad.

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    Josh Casillas owns a San Diego area shop that specializes in wheel damage. - So you're the one person that benefits from potholes.

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    We are, we're not complaining about the potholes, but at the same time, it's a problem here in California and also in San Diego.

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    He says as the roads cratered, his business skyrocketed up 75% over the same period last year.

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    Now the pressure is building on towns and cities to fix the problem, from Oakland to Minneapolis, they're declaring war on potholes.

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    In some cities, the Mayors themselves even helping. - We heard the community they said they wanted their potholes filled.

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    In El Cajon California, and all-out blitz this week, the city enlisting everyone from the parks department to accounting, to shovel fill and smooth over the city's potholes.

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    We said let's go out and blitz this, let's make this a true customer service effort.

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    This week alone, they filled more than 550, but these road warriors have an uphill battle, with the record pace of potholes making it harder to just pave over the problem.

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    So are you satisfied with seeing the results? - Yes I am, so when I go down the street next time, I won't go Boo! - Niala Charles, NBC News, El Cajon California.

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    (视频画面显示)这是一条让车后悬挂咔擦作响的道路。美国情况越来越糟糕,因为路面坑洼。 - 它们到处都是,这很危险。

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    你对目前正在进行的路面修补工作满意吗? - 不满意。

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    它越来越深,越来越大。 - 在该地区巡查,在脸书上记录已知路面坑洼。 - 坑洼之城!

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    乔什·卡西利亚斯在圣地亚哥地区拥有一家专门从事修理车轮的商店。 - 所以你是唯一一个从坑洼中受益的人。

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    在一些城市,市长们甚至亲自帮忙。 - 我们听到社区里的人说他们想把坑洼填满。

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    那你对结果满意吗? - 是的,所以下次我走在街上的时候,我就不会去嘘他们了。 - NBC新闻,尼亚拉·查尔斯,加州埃尔卡洪报道。