
546_0,沃森·布莱恩特 Watson Bryant,理查德·朱维尔的律师 (山姆·洛克威尔 饰演)|545_0,凯茜 Kathy Scruggs,亚特兰大宪法报女记者(奥利维亚·王尔德 饰演)
tags: 社会 法律 媒体 新闻
  • 沃森·布莱恩特 Watson Bryant

    理查德·朱维尔的律师 (山姆·洛克威尔 饰演)
  • 凯茜 Kathy Scruggs

    亚特兰大宪法报女记者(奥利维亚·王尔德 饰演)
  • 英中
  • 中英
  • 盲听
  • 1

    Holy shit, it's Jewell. - Is that Kathy Scruggs? Hey. Is this what it's like behind the curtain? Richard Jewell here. - Hello.

  • 2

    We're just about to go demand a retraction. Then we're gonna go get a hamburger. You wanna come? - Is that right? - Yeah.

  • 3

    This is, like, top-rate science fiction. "Bomb suspect sought limelight." Are you kidding me? Who the hell do you think you are?

  • 4

    Mr. Bryant, what I do is I report the facts. - You lead the public, is what you do. - I report the facts. - The facts? - That's right That's what I do.

  • 5

    You ignorant, - Excuse me? - arrogant, ambitious... - Excuse me? - How did you get this job?

  • 6

    How'd I get this job? - Yeah. - Mr. Bryant, if you have an issue, you can take it up with the FBI for investigating your client. - Oh, bullshit.

  • 7

    It has nothing to do with me. All right? What I do is, I hear the facts, I report them.

  • 8

    That is my responsibility. - The facts? What about the truth? - My guiding principle is to report the facts.

  • 9

    What fucking principles? This isn't a principle standing next to me. Fuck your principle.

  • 10

    This man's name is Richard Jewell. He's a hero. He saved lives. - You're unbelievable, just coming in here. - I'm unbelievable?

  • 11

    Do you have any idea what kind of wildfire you started? You've ruined this man's life.

  • 12

    Maybe you owe him an apology. How about that? - Mr. Jewell... - You know, you are a... What?

  • 13

    I said I'm sorry for what you and your mother have gone through. - You are a miserable excuse for a journalist.

  • 14

    You're a parasite. Anything to sell a goddamn paper, you know that?

  • 15

    Why don't you go chase another ambulance⁽¹⁾? - Kiss my ass.

  • 16

    He's out of order. - Vail can go back to work. There's nothing really to watch here. You can just keep doing your jobs.

  • 1

    天呐,是朱维尔。 - 这是凯西·斯克鲁格吗?嘿,这就是藏在幕后的感觉吗?这是理查德·朱维尔。 - 你好。

  • 2

    我们就快要求撤回报道了,然后去吃汉堡,你要不要一起? - 是这样吗? - 是的。

  • 3


  • 4

    布莱恩特先生,我做的就是报道事实。 - 你误导公众,这是你做的。 - 我报道事实。 - 事实? - 对,报道事实是我的工作。

  • 5

    你这个无知, - 拜托,你在说啥?- 傲慢,充满野心的... - 拜托,你说的啥玩意? - 你怎么找到这份工作的?

  • 6

    我怎么找到的工作? - 对啊. - 布莱恩特先生,如果你有问题,你可以向FBI提出调查你的委托人。 - 哦,扯犊子。

  • 7


  • 8

    这是我的职责。 - 这些事实吗?那真相呢? - 我的原则是事实至上。

  • 9

    什么见鬼的原则? 对我来说原则这种东西是不顶用的,去你妈的原则。

  • 10

    这个男的名字是理查德·朱维尔,他是个英雄,他救了好多人。 - 你胡说,还到这来胡闹。 - 难道我是个骗子吗?

  • 11


  • 12

    你或许应该向他道歉,怎么样? - 朱维尔先生... - 你知道你是什么东西吗?你说什么?

  • 13

    我说对于您和您母亲的遭遇我很同情。 - 作为新闻工作者你这个借口真是可悲。

  • 14


  • 15

    你为什么不再去追一辆救护车呢? - 去你的把。

  • 16

    他情绪失控啦。 - 都回去工作,这里没什么好看的,继续忙你们的。