Holy shit, it's Jewell. - Is that Kathy Scruggs? Hey. Is this what it's like behind the curtain? Richard Jewell here. - Hello.
We're just about to go demand a retraction. Then we're gonna go get a hamburger. You wanna come? - Is that right? - Yeah.
This is, like, top-rate science fiction. "Bomb suspect sought limelight." Are you kidding me? Who the hell do you think you are?
Mr. Bryant, what I do is I report the facts. - You lead the public, is what you do. - I report the facts. - The facts? - That's right That's what I do.
You ignorant, - Excuse me? - arrogant, ambitious... - Excuse me? - How did you get this job?
How'd I get this job? - Yeah. - Mr. Bryant, if you have an issue, you can take it up with the FBI for investigating your client. - Oh, bullshit.
That is my responsibility. - The facts? What about the truth? - My guiding principle is to report the facts.
This man's name is Richard Jewell. He's a hero. He saved lives. - You're unbelievable, just coming in here. - I'm unbelievable?
Maybe you owe him an apology. How about that? - Mr. Jewell... - You know, you are a... What?
I said I'm sorry for what you and your mother have gone through. - You are a miserable excuse for a journalist.
He's out of order. - Vail can go back to work. There's nothing really to watch here. You can just keep doing your jobs.