
Cleanliness & Food Safety 
Celebrity Chef Tregaye Fraser Teams With Ecolab Science Certified™ To Give Consumers Peace Of Mind About Food Safety & Public Health Practices. For more information visit: sciencecertified.ecolab.com. Sponsored By: Ecolab.
October 20, 2022
tags: 带货 卫生 清洁
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    The pandemic may be in the rearview mirror, but concerns about public health and food safety remain part of our daily lives.

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    Here with important details to help consumers make informed decisions about the safety and cleanliness of the places they love to visit.

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    Is award-winning chef and TV host Tregaye Fraser who's teamed up with Ecolab for food safety education months.

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    You know a scientific clean is super important, right? As a chef, it's important for me to make sure that you know whether I'm creating a new recipe for my cookbook or catering for a client.

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    They want to know that they're getting their food from a safer cleaner place.

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    And when I take my kids out, I want them to feel that same thing, I want to know that they're in a safer cleaner space.

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    The Ecolab Science Certified program helps deliver a cleaner and safer place.

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    It involves the best experts in the business, auditing the level of cleansiness, and giving it their seal of approval.

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    So when you see that seal at your local restaurants grocery store or retail establishments, you know they have a higher commitment to cleanliness.

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    There's so many great benefits, one you're going to get those science back solutions, you're definitely going to get double checked by auditor.

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    I mean, scientifically clean is the Hallmark of Ecolab Science Certified program. It addresses consumer expectations for cleaning and disaffecting food.

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    So we can have a peace of mind and enjoy life, and you know the direct benefits of it helps deliver a higher level of cleansiness.

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    With Innovation, science back solutions, and including independent artists by Ecolab Public Health Specialists, to address consumer expectations for cleaning and food safety.

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    You know I don't know about you, but I get pretty excited when I know that I'm walking into a cleaner safer space. So I know when I see that seal, I'm good to go.

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    The seal helps give you consumers and employees the confidence that these locations are committed to a higher level of cleansiness.

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    The staff is trained on up-to-date public health and food safety practices, to help maintain retain a cleaner safer location, and it includes more than 22 000 program seals across North America.

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    So to be honest like when I see that seal, I know I have nothing to worry about, this is definitely a place that practices cleaner, safer practices. - For more information visit sciencecertified.ecolab.com.

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    所以说实话,当我看到那个认证印章时,我知道我没什么可担心的,这绝对是一个更清洁更安全的地方。 - 了解更多信息请访问sciencecertified.ecolab.com。