
Do you wonder what's the most popular coffee drinking at our shop? 
What's the difference between popular espresso drinks like Cappuccino, Latte, Flat White or Cortado? We also covered all black coffee options based on the single or double espresso shot. You will see all the coffee drinks side-by-side!
tags: 知识 科普 咖啡
  • 艾尔斯·波斯皮西尔 ales pospisil

  • 托米 Duc Nguyen Minh(Tomi)

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    Okay, so now we went through all the espresso-based drinks you can order in the coffee shop, so let's summarize them for you once more.

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    Espresso is an intense short coffee serving a small espresso cup. In specialty coffee shops you can expect between 20 to 25 grams per espresso shot.

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    Double Espresso is basically two espressos served in one bigger cup. You should know that some coffee shops serve only Double Espresso. Americano is Espresso diluted with hot water served in a bigger cup.

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    Lungo is a longer and less intense Espresso, often served with hot water on the side so you can dilute it to your preferred taste.

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    Filter coffee is a black coffee alternative that is not based on Espresso, rather you brew it by hand or with the batch brewer.

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    Espresso Macchiato is the smallest milk espresso drink served in an espresso cup. The coffee to milk ratio is around 1:2.

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    Cortado is a Single Espresso with foamed milk often served in a glass cup. The coffee to milk ratio is around 1:4.

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    Flat White is a Double Espresso with foamed milk. The coffee to milk ratio is similar to Cortado, around 1:4, but you get more caffeine and a bigger drink.

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    Cappuccino is a Single Espresso with foamed milk The coffee to milk ratio is around 1:6 or 1:7.

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    Café Latte is a Single Espresso with foamed milk served in a big cup. The coffee to milk ratio is around 1:14.

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    Now that you know the basics do you wonder what's the most popular coffee drinking at Večerka? Based on all the orders this year 32% went to black coffee and 68% went to milk coffee.

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    The most popular black coffee was actually not Espresso, but a Batch Brew with 16%. It was followed by Espresso with a little over 7% and Americano and Doppio got equally around 4%.

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    When it comes to milk coffees, the clear winner is Cappuccino with over 37% which is actually more than all black coffees combined.

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    Followed by Flat White with 16% and Café Latte with 11%. Both Cortado and Macchiato got between 1 and 2%.

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    Now we know there are more espresso-based drinks that we didn't mention, but we have already dedicated videos for drinks like Espresso Tonic or Freddo Espresso. So check them out and we'll see you in the next video very soon! Thank you! Bye, bye!

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    现在我们知道还有更多以浓缩咖啡为基础的饮料,我们没有提到,但我们已经有专门的视频介绍像Espresso Tonic或Freddo Espresso这样的饮品。快来看看吧,我们下期视频再见!谢谢你!再见,再见!