
San Francisco's Expansion Of Police Access To Private Cameras Stirs Debate 
A new San Francisco ordinance gives police access to live footage from privately owned surveillance cameras. Officers would need permission, but not a warrant to access it. NBC News’ Jacob Ward talks to Mayor London Breed about the measure as the city sees a surge in retail theft.
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    Soon after Michael Sue opened his San Francisco shoe store, it was robbed. - The perpetrator used the blowtorch to get in to bypass our alarm system.

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    Thieves have hit the store three times. - When somebody breaks in, it's like somebody breaking into your home.

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    Now a San Francisco ordinance gives police access to live, private footage like Sue's, they need the owner's permission, but they do not need a warrant.

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    I want to be the first one in line to give them access to my camera. - San Francisco has seen a surge in retail thefts, including by this 2021 group that evaded police while robbing downtown stores.

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    Some of that potentially could have been avoided, if they were able to watch the situation in real time.

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    San Francisco banned the use of facial recognition in 2019⁽¹⁾ and has championed alternative policing.

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    Voters recalled its Progressive D.A this year as crime became more visible, police data shows arrests are made in fewer than 10% of reported cases. But mayor Breed says the city has to try something new.

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    Sadly, people believe based on understanding the way the laws work, in San Francisco, that in most cases they can get away with something like this, even if they're on film.

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    You believe that state law is too lenient? - I think it's just a combination of things and then when it does happen, we want to hold the perpetrators accountable.

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    This ordinance requires special circumstances and internal clearance before officers can get footage, but those who voted against this ordinance say we are not seeing the bigger picture.

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    Do they really help make us safer? you know and that is the question, and when those video footages are already readily available to our launch enforcement, and yet we still cannot deliver safety results, where does this lead us?

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    Michael Sue says he'll hand over access, but within limits. - Obviously they wouldn't need to really see the inventory room cameras, I'm willing to share whatever it's needed for the police to do their job. Jake Ward, NBC News, San Francisco.

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    迈克尔·苏在旧金山开了一家鞋店后不久,这家店就被抢了。 - 犯罪分子用喷灯(小型发焰装置)来绕过我们的报警系统。

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    小偷已经洗劫了这家商店三次。 - 当有人破门而入,就像有人闯入你家一样。

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    我想第一个给他们看我的摄像头。 - 旧金山的零售店盗窃案件激增,包括2021年这个团伙在市中心抢劫商店时躲避警察。

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    你认为州法律太宽容了吗? - 我认为这是多种因素综合作用的结果,当事情真的发生时,我们希望追究肇事者的责任。

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    迈克尔·苏说他会交出权限,但有限度。 - 显然,他们不需要真正看到仓库的摄像头,我愿意分享警察工作所需的任何东西。NBC新闻,杰克·沃德,旧金山报道。