
Elon Musk Buys Twitter And Starts Making Changes Right Away 
Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, is promising to re-invent Twitter after buying the social media giant in a $44 billion deal. NBC News’ Tom Costello shares more about Musk’s plan for the company.
2022.10.29 NBC News
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    After revolutionizing the space race and electric cars, the world's richest man is now promising a Twitter makeover.

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    Renaming his own account "Chief Twit" and proclaiming "The Bird is Freed." Elon Musk carried a kitchen sink into Twitter HQ(HeadQuarter) this week, tweeting "Let That Sink In."⁽¹⁾ Then fired senior execs once closing the 44 billion dollar deal.

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    For years Twitter has battled hate speech and disinformation, today a raging debate over what Twitter is now and will soon become.

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    This is a company that's been held hostage by its woke employees, held hostage by its work users.

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    I don't think this is about politics, I think this is about safety, I really do, I think people like Ayatollah Harmony shouldn't be on when they threaten Jews, because people end up getting hurt.

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    Musk calls himself a free speech absolutist, arguing for fewer restrictions and lifting the ban on former president Trump, accused of encouraging violent acts.

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    I think it was a morally bad decision to be clear and foolish in the extreme. - But today more Anonymous Neo-Nazi anti-semitic and racist tweets.

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    Musk trying to reassure the advertisers, posted "Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences."

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    Ultimately advertisers are going to be very frustrated, and may leave in massive numbers, if he doesn't Tamp down on this stuff.

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    Musk now says "Twitter will form a content moderation council with diverse viewpoints, and no reinstatements or content decisions will happen before that council convenes."

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    我认为这是一个道德上很糟糕的决定,愚蠢到极点。 - 但今天更多匿名的新纳粹反犹太和种族主义推文。

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